Friday, April 13, 2012

If I Were in Charge

If I were in charge there would be no war, no violence, no blood shed. There would be no need for soldiers or guns and the world would know peace.

If I were in charge no one would spend more than they earned, including the powers that run this great land. Our treasures would be the people we hold dear, rather than the things we bought that distract us from them.

 If I were in charge there would be no hungry children or families unable to afford the necessities. People would take care of each other rather than relying on a corrupt system of elected liars to meet the need.

If I were in charge those that desperately desired children would have their hearts comforted by the fulfillment of that yearning, if not naturally than through affordable adoption. No woman would ever be given the incredible gift of life inside her if she was willing to sacrifice this gift for convenience sake.

Unfortunately I am not in charge, nor will I ever be. My only hope resides in the fact that changes can be made to these ends. Somehow the sorrow, anger, and affliction of past mistakes and bad decision making must be learned from. We must not continue on this path that will lead to our self destructive end.


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